In our Advent series, "The Child of Promise," we will look at the strange story of Joseph taking young Jesus and his mother Mary and fleeing to Egypt. Hosea the…
This Sunday as we consider "The Child of Promise" we will ponder the reality that we need a better king. Kings are not a thing here in America for good…
This will be the first Sunday of Advent and we will celebrate communion together. Our theme this year will be "The Child of Promise." We will be looking at how…
This Sunday we conclude our series, "We Share His Nature."
This Sunday we will return to our series, "We Share His Nature." So far we have seen God's willingness to redeem us and to share his very self with us.…
This Sunday we return to our series "We Share His Nature." We have been studying the 7 qualities of faith that are aspects of how God shares his nature with…