John talks about Jesus’ coming as something “from the beginning.” The beginning, is not when Jesus was announced, conceived, born or started his ministry. The beginning is eternity past with…
This Sunday will be our last Sunday in the sermon series, Who Am I?, where Pastor Bill will be discussing the final part of the third lens, Redeemed.
This Sunday we will continue in our series “Who Am I?” Answering the question through the lens of redemption. Our texts will be Romans 12:1-2 and parts of Galatians 5.…
This will be our first look at the question through the lens of redemption. We've looked at "who I am" from the lens of creation, and the lens of the…
This Sunday, we will be celebrating the Lord's Supper and Pastor Rick will be sharing a message based on 1 Corinthians 11:23-26.