June 2, 2024


Passage: Psalm 139: 13-17, 1 Peter 5:6-10, 2 Timothy 1:7
Service Type:

This Sunday will be the last in our series “The Bible and Modern Sexuality.” We will consider transgenderism this Sunday. Sometimes people can find themselves at war with themselves. They’re unhappy with who they are as male or female or unhappy with who they’re expected to be as male or female. This may lead to a condition that is known as gender dysphoria. The challenge then becomes how to help this person. Modernity says pursue what you believe your inner self wants you to be. Don’t hold back and don’t let anyone else hold you back. Christianity responds differently. While we empathize with the suffering, we invite and challenge them to be all that God made them to be in his love. How does God’s redeeming grace help the suffering and help us to respond to this cultural moment?

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