June 5, 2022

The Good News is Going Out

Passage: Acts 8:26-40
Service Type:

This week we will begin a new Summer series entitled “Advance! The Good News is Going Out.” This will be a verse by verse study of Acts 8-15. I taught Acts 1-8 back in 2020 and we are continuing where we left off. We will see how the gospel continues to advance to the the nations ( the gentiles) through the service of Philip, Peter. Barnabas and Paul. This week we will look at the strange and wonderful story of the conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch. If you are like me, perhaps you find some of the stories of how God used people to spread the good news a little intimidating. Where did the early believers get the confidence and the boldness to do what they did? How did they find people to talk with? As we look a little closer, we will see that their actions were actually made of a gradual process of ordinary actions that any Jesus follower can make.

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