May 26, 2024


Passage: Romans 1:24-31, 1 Corinthians 7:6-8, 1 Corinthians 7:32-35, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11
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This Sunday will be the 3rd of 4 messages on the Bible and Modern Sexuality. We will consider the challenging topic of homosexuality. It is important to begin to differentiate between sex and love. Modern thinking tends to conflate them into the same thing. Christianity separates them. We believe that “God is love.” This means that the best of all loves is not sexual. There are the three main topics I will cover: The challenge of same sex attraction, the Bible says “no” to same sex sex, the Bible says “yes” to same sex love. People who face same sex attraction need to know that God is not hanging them out to dry or giving them the short straw. Christianity actually offers them and the entire world a whole new lease on love.

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