June 19, 2022

Getting Stronger

Passage: Acts 9:23-43
Service Type:
As we look at Acts 9:23-43, there is a summary statement in verse 31 that highlights the way in which the church at the time was strong in the Lord. Pastor Bill will highlight the four ways listed: God is raising leaders, God is calling people to faith, there is a Holy Spirit culture and God is doing amazing things through his people. These are not the only ways that God strengthens the church, but they are meaningful and important ways for us to recognize God’s hand at work. Please pray that God would strengthen us like this as the body of Christ and the family of God.

As we look at Acts 9:23-43, there is a summary statement in verse 31 that highlights the way in which the church at the time was strong in the Lord. Pastor Bill will highlight the four ways listed: God is raising leaders, God is calling people to faith, there is a Holy Spirit culture and God is doing amazing things through his people. These are not the only ways that God strengthens the church, but they are meaningful and important ways for us to recognize God’s hand at work. Please pray that God would strengthen us like this as the body of Christ and the family of God.

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