Each year when we dedicate our church officers, board members, and pastoral staff, we are reminded as a church community that Jesus Christ is the master of this house. He is the Head! And, we are His servants. We are all servants commissioned and commanded to serve Him and to […]
West Winds
It is reported that a philosophy exam paper had but one question: “Why?” to which one student got top marks because he answered with one word, “Because”. Another philosophy exam asked this: “Is this a question?” In answer one of the students wrote: “If that is a question, then this […]
One of the many blessings the Lord allowed me to experience while I was growing up in a Christian home and a strong church served by two faithful pastors, was the number of outstanding, humble, spiritual leaders who spoke in our church from time to time. Among those special men […]
I have been giving a lot of attention lately to the passage familiar to all of us in James 4:8 with its profound admonition for everyday living and especially during times of uncertainty; “Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you…” And, a few verses later “Come […]
IN RESPONSE TO OUR MISSIONS CONFERENCE “A CALL TO ACTION” WHAT ACTION STEPS ARE WE (YOU) WILLING TO TAKE? We were all challenged during our recent missions conference to ‘stand up and take action’ for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. There are a number of practical opportunities for us to […]
One of the objectives of the Outreach Committee is to equip and mobilize West Church for evangelism. At present, most of the Home Fellowship Groups have been discussing the book, Share Jesus Without Fear by William Fay. If you have not read the book I encourage you to do so […]