Time of Reflection and Celebration – Rev. Ralph Wetherington

Welcome beloved friends and family! You’ll need to follow the below instructions to view the ceremony via livestream.com.

1) First, click the link below to access the event page.


2) Once there, you’ll need to create a login. Use your best discretion in choosing which email address to register with since you’ll most likely be getting spam emails from livestream.com. You can also use your facebook account login, but should be aware that this will then link your login to your facebook. You’ll know you’re in the right place when your screen looks like this:

Livestream Join & Login Page

3) You’ll then receive a link at your registered email address that looks like this:

Livestream Activate Your Account

4) Click the link, and it will take you to the final account creation page. You’ll need to give them a First Name [again use your best discretion] and a password.

Livestream Create Account

5) You can “Skip” the find Facebook friends page that follows.

6) Finally, you will be re-directed to the Ceremony Livestream. It will look like this until approximately 5:00 pm EST when the video stream will be activated. The Ceremony should begin at approximately 5:30 pm. We recommend that you login at least 15 minutes before the Ceremony start time.

Livestream View Stream Page


Note: If you’re pretty tech-savvy you can download the mobile app and view the ceremony on your phone via the livestream.com app.
