Women’s Bible Study Christmas Brunch

The Annual Gathering of the Women's Bible Study to enjoy a time of food and celebration of Christmas with one another. Women's Bible Study Ministry Page  

Potpourri Christmas Celebration

West Church Sanctuary 27 Johnson Street, Peabody, MA, MA, United States

West Church Family and Friends are invited to a Christmas Potpourri, Celebrating Jesus the Greatest Gift of All.  This special evening of music and readings will be on Saturday, December 17th at 7 pm in the West Church Sanctuary.  Following the program we will be continuing into Lyons Hall for a light supper. Please contact […]

Fourth Sunday of Advent

The Advent Season is the four weeks leading up to Christmas.  At West Church we mark these days with the lighting of an advent candle, special readings and music during our morning Worship Service.

Girls’ Growth Group

The Roy's Home

The weekly meeting of high school girls for fellowship and Bible study.