Plan now to attend our Annual Church Picnic and Bring A Friend!
The Deacons and Deaconesses are planning a picnic with a wide variety of Culinary Delights for you to enjoy.
In addition to our Hamburgers and Hot Dogs the following will be served:
If your last name begins with the following letters, please bring:
A – M : A Salad for 10-12 People
N – Z: A Dessert for 10-12 People
The Sign-Up Table will be in the lower narthex on Sunday, June 7th, 14th and 21st. DO PLAN to come to the picnic for fellowship, fun, and food! And, DON’T FORGET to bring your lawn chairs and/or blankets. There will be games to play and plenty of time to relax and fellowship in the shade.
$4.00 per adult and $12 per family. Please pay when you sign up.